New Logo contest winner announced!
The Sinks Canyon Conservancy (SCC), a local volunteer group dedicated to promote and support the scientific, educational and cultural programs and projects in and around Sinks Canyon, is pleased to announce the winner of their logo contest.
Sixteen designers submitted a total of 49 designs for the SCC to consider and we are happy to announce the winning logo. Ashley Eckley, a local Fremont County resident who is a clinical aesthetician with Benessere Clinic in both Lander and Riverton. Her interest in art while in high school has led her to create graphic designs for local businesses while marketing using social media over the past eight years. If she says "When I'm not in the treatment room or building designs, you can find me cheering for my daughter at sporting events or adventuring with family or singing. It is an honor to be a part of the branding for Sinks Canyon Conservancy!"
Receiving the contest prize from SCC president Carrie Johnson (right) is Ashley Eckley with her winning logo in upper left.
Press release:
Sinks Canyon Logo contest announced - $400 prize to the winner
The Sinks Canyon Conservancy announces a logo contest for area artists. The Conservancy is the new name of the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council, the friends group for Sinks Canyon State Park since 1997.
The council was formed to support the park in its interpretive and educational programs and over the years has supported many exhibits, programs and displays on the park.
As of 2022 the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council changed its name to the Sinks Canyon Conservancy to expand its advocacy of the Sinks to the entire Canyon. The group is excited to grow and involve more people in the protection of this incredible natural resource.
The group is looking for a vibrant, exciting logo that reflects the natural beauty of the canyon and the mission of the group to educate the public about Sinks Canyon.
Contestants are encouraged to access the SCC website (https://www.sinkscanyonstatepark.org/), for visual graphics and information on the Conservancy, or contact via email at sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com. Contestants are to email their entries as a PDF at the above email address along with the following information: Name of Artist, Mailing Address, and Telephone Number. Each entry for consideration needs to be submitted individually.
Submissions for the deadline need to be made (via email) by February 28, 2023. Full rules are attached.
Sinks Canyon Conservancy Logo Competition
The board of directors are pleased to announce a competition for the design of an unique logograph
that identifiers and symbolizes the character and the mission of the Sinks Canyon Conservancy. A
panel of board members will evaluate all entries.
The Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council was formed in 1997 to support Sinks Canyon State
Park. The group, made up of educators and scientists, advised the park staff on resource issues. It
supported and raised money for interpretive and educational programs in Sinks Canyon. Over the
years the group raised tens of thousands of dollars for many projects including taxidermy, interpretive
signs, events, programs and almost every display in the Visitor Center.
As of 2022 the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council is changing its name to the Sinks Canyon
Conservancy to expand its advocacy of the Sinks to the entire Canyon. We are excited to grow and
involve more people in the protection of this incredible natural resource.
The parameters for the competition are:
Eligibility - Open to anyone except members of the selection panel and their families. No more than
5 entries will be accepted from any one contestant.
Logo design - Final design format must be in the following file formats for use: Encapsulated
PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF),Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG), Portable
Network Graphic (PNG), Joint Photographic Group (JPG). For consideration for judging, the design
can be a PDF file.
Award - A prize of $400 will be awarded to the winner of the competition. The winner will grant and
assign exclusively to the Sinks Canyon Conservancy full ownership of the logograph including all
copyrights. The decision of the judges is final. If no submissions are found to be satisfactory, the
judges reserve the right not to make an award.
Procedure - Contestants are encouraged to access the SCC website
(https://www.sinkscanyonstatepark.org/), for visual graphics and information on the Conservancy, or
contact via email at sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com. Contestants are to email their entries as a
PDF at the above email address along with the following information: Name of Artist, Mailing
Address, and Telephone Number. Each entry for consideration needs to be submitted individually.
Deadline - Submissions for the deadline need to be made (via email) by February 28, 2023. Entries
received after the deadline will not be considered.
Entries - Send individual entries in a PDF format via email to sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com
Notice May 15 2020:
With the addition of approximately 1,000 new sites to the statewide system, Wyoming residents wanting to spend time at a Wyoming State Park have an expanded range of opportunities by which to reserve their campsites.
To ensure the safety of visitors and staff, all camping at Wyoming State Parks - including Boysen, Buffalo Bill, Curt Gowdy, Glendo, Guernsey, Keyhole, Medicine Lodge, Seminoe, and Sinks Canyon - is currently open only to Wyoming residents and now requires a reservation.
The reservation system, operated by Aspira/ReserveAmerica, allows in-state campers to make a reservation, receive instant communication about that reservation, and head into their camping experience knowing that they have a campsite waiting for them upon their arrival.
Although campsites are no longer available on a first-come, first-served drive-up basis, there is still the opportuniKH4th-of-july-2016ty for last-minute camping. Visitors can secure a spot without a prior reservation by contacting ReserveAmerica upon arrival at the park. The reservation system is updated in real-time, allowing users to know which campsites are still available and which are not.
Due to the need to follow social distancing guidelines, not all campsites are available; those that are too close to others will be blocked off until further notice. Only single-unit campsites will be made available, with no more than 10 persons allowed per site. Cabins and yurts can be reserved for Friday, Saturday and Sunday only, thus allowing adequate time to clean and disinfect each structure prior to the next reservation.
Fee compliance and reservations will be verified in the campgrounds themselves by staff and law enforcement.
For the safety of our staff and visitors, fee booths may be manned for information purposes, but will not be accepting cash payments. Until park offices are allowed to open, annual camping and day use permits will be available only through ReserveAmerica and authorized local vendors.
Due to social distancing and CDC guidelines, all playgrounds, group shelters, group campsites, and some indoor facilities will remain closed to the public.
Wyoming State Parks offers a few suggestions that may enhance the camping experience. Bring a first aid kit, trash bags and hand sanitizer. Also, please remember that fires are restricted to established fire rings.
Visitors are asked to adhere to social distancing recommendations while recreating at boat ramps, fish cleaning stations, beaches, and other areas where people tend to congregate.
Notice: 3/31/20 :
In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, all Wyoming State Park overnight camping facilities, cabins, yurts, group sites/shelters, shower houses, some non-essential restrooms and playgrounds are closed until further notice.
All parks currently remain open for day-use outdoor recreation activities including trailheads, hiking/biking trails, boat ramps, fishing access, essential restrooms, individual picnic areas/tables.
While we believe in the physical and mental health benefits our open spaces provide, we are seeing a growing influx of campers flocking to our state parks due to National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service and surrounding state campground closures.
This leads to increased concerns regarding our ability to maintain a healthy environment for our consumers and staff.
It is hoped by keeping our state parks open for day-use activities we are able to balance the public’s desire for outdoor recreation with the health and safety needs of our constituents and staff.
Visitors can still enjoy Wyoming’s state parks while recreating alone or with family and maintaining the prescribed six feet social distances, gathering in groups less than 10 and following CDC recommended hygiene practices.
Throughout the year the park hosts many activities and special events: Campfire programs, talks at the Visitor Center on natural history topics, musical and art events as well as nature walks and outdoor programs.
Watch here for articles about upcoming events, check the calendar, or check listings in the Lander newspaper, the Lander Chamber of Commerce web site or check for posters around town and the park.
7th Annual Run Like a Bighorn on Sept. 21, 2019

First Day Hike January 1st 2020 Approx. 3 mile hike on the Canyon Loop Trail. Hikes begins at 1 p.m. at the Nature Trail parking lot in the Popo Agie Campground. Dogs on leashes permitted.
5th Annual “Run Like A Bighorn” Sinks Canyon Trail Run August 19, 2017

Click here to download the race registration form.
For the past 3 years hardy runners and walkers have gathered at Sawmill Campground in Sinks Canyon State Park to challenge themselves to “Run Like A Bighorn,” and support the park.
2017 is no different as the park gears up for the latest bighorn challenge. An added attraction this year is the 2017 total eclipse happening the next day. A full slate of events, from nature hikes, caving tours and a bighorn sheep symposium are set for the weekend in honor of the once in a lifetime eclipse event.
The annual race is a fund-raiser for the state park Visitor Center to help fund new exhibits. The race was started in honor of Bam Bam The Ram, the famous Bighorn Sheep who was the last sheep in the canyon and known for “bamming” into cars. Bam Bam is now on exhibit at the Park Visitor Center as part of the South Facing Slope exhibit.
This year’s run is 6 miles, all on trails in the canyon. “In the past years the fastest runners have come in at a little over an hour, which is amazing given the tough terrain,” said Park Superintendent Darrel Trembly. “But people don’t have to run – we encourage walkers and hikers as well!” Trembly said everyone has a great time whether walking or hiking, and it all benefits the park.
An added attraction this year will be a Bighorn Sheep Symposium held by the Bighorn Sheep Restoration Group in the afternoon at ****. The symposium will have speakers about bighorn sheep history, ecology and habitat.
Cost for the run is $20 for adults and $10 for kids, with all proceeds going to the park.
All participants receive a race T-shirt, water bottle and other goodies. Food and drinks are available at the end of the race.
To sign up in advance stop in at the Visitor Center, or call the park at 307-332-6333. Runners can sign up the morning of the run starting at 6 a.m. at the Sawmill picnic shelter.
For more information on the race or Sinks Canyon State Park call 307-332-6333 visit us on FB at Bam Bam the Ram, Sinks Canyon, Wyoming or on the web at www.sinkscanyonstatepark.org
Click here to download a poster for the event.
Click here to download the press release.
July 21, 2018
7 AM
A trail run & family fun run / walk that benefits Sinks Canyon State Park
5th Annual Run with all proceeds benefiting Sinks Canyon State Park.
4th Annual Run with all proceeds benefiting Sinks Canyon State Park.
Logo contest announced for new SCC logo!
Press release:
Sinks Canyon Logo contest announced - $400 prize to the winner
The Sinks Canyon Conservancy announces a logo contest for area artists. The Conservancy is the new name of the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council, the friends group for Sinks Canyon State Park since 1997.
The council was formed to support the park in its interpretive and educational programs and over the years has supported many exhibits, programs and displays on the park.
As of 2022 the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council changed its name to the Sinks Canyon Conservancy to expand its advocacy of the Sinks to the entire Canyon. The group is excited to grow and involve more people in the protection of this incredible natural resource.
The group is looking for a vibrant, exciting logo that reflects the natural beauty of the canyon and the mission of the group to educate the public about Sinks Canyon.
Contestants are encouraged to access the SCC website (https://www.sinkscanyonstatepark.org/), for visual graphics and information on the Conservancy, or contact via email at sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com. Contestants are to email their entries as a PDF at the above email address along with the following information: Name of Artist, Mailing Address, and Telephone Number. Each entry for consideration needs to be submitted individually.
Submissions for the deadline need to be made (via email) by February 28, 2023. Full rules are attached.
Sinks Canyon Conservancy Logo Competition
The board of directors are pleased to announce a competition for the design of an unique logograph
that identifiers and symbolizes the character and the mission of the Sinks Canyon Conservancy. A
panel of board members will evaluate all entries.
The Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council was formed in 1997 to support Sinks Canyon State
Park. The group, made up of educators and scientists, advised the park staff on resource issues. It
supported and raised money for interpretive and educational programs in Sinks Canyon. Over the
years the group raised tens of thousands of dollars for many projects including taxidermy, interpretive
signs, events, programs and almost every display in the Visitor Center.
As of 2022 the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council is changing its name to the Sinks Canyon
Conservancy to expand its advocacy of the Sinks to the entire Canyon. We are excited to grow and
involve more people in the protection of this incredible natural resource.
The parameters for the competition are:
Eligibility - Open to anyone except members of the selection panel and their families. No more than
5 entries will be accepted from any one contestant.
Logo design - Final design format must be in the following file formats for use: Encapsulated
PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF),Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG), Portable
Network Graphic (PNG), Joint Photographic Group (JPG). For consideration for judging, the design
can be a PDF file.
Award - A prize of $400 will be awarded to the winner of the competition. The winner will grant and
assign exclusively to the Sinks Canyon Conservancy full ownership of the logograph including all
copyrights. The decision of the judges is final. If no submissions are found to be satisfactory, the
judges reserve the right not to make an award.
Procedure - Contestants are encouraged to access the SCC website
(https://www.sinkscanyonstatepark.org/), for visual graphics and information on the Conservancy, or
contact via email at sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com. Contestants are to email their entries as a
PDF at the above email address along with the following information: Name of Artist, Mailing
Address, and Telephone Number. Each entry for consideration needs to be submitted individually.
Deadline - Submissions for the deadline need to be made (via email) by February 28, 2023. Entries
received after the deadline will not be considered.
Entries - Send individual entries in a PDF format via email to sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com
Press release: 1/31/23
Sinks Canyon Logo contest announced - $400 prize to the winner
The Sinks Canyon Conservancy announces a logo contest for area artists. The Conservancy is the new name of the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council, the friends group for Sinks Canyon State Park since 1997.
The council was formed to support the park in its interpretive and educational programs and over the years has supported many exhibits, programs and displays on the park.
As of 2022 the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council changed its name to the Sinks Canyon Conservancy to expand its advocacy of the Sinks to the entire Canyon. The group is excited to grow and involve more people in the protection of this incredible natural resource.
The group is looking for a vibrant, exciting logo that reflects the natural beauty of the canyon and the mission of the group to educate the public about Sinks Canyon.
Contestants are encouraged to access the SCC website (https://www.sinkscanyonstatepark.org/), for visual graphics and information on the Conservancy, or contact via email at sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com. Contestants are to email their entries as a PDF at the above email address along with the following information: Name of Artist, Mailing Address, and Telephone Number. Each entry for consideration needs to be submitted individually.
Submissions for the deadline need to be made (via email) by February 28, 2023. Full rules are attached.
Sinks Canyon Conservancy Logo Competition
The board of directors are pleased to announce a competition for the design of an unique logograph
that identifiers and symbolizes the character and the mission of the Sinks Canyon Conservancy. A
panel of board members will evaluate all entries.
The Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council was formed in 1997 to support Sinks Canyon State
Park. The group, made up of educators and scientists, advised the park staff on resource issues. It
supported and raised money for interpretive and educational programs in Sinks Canyon. Over the
years the group raised tens of thousands of dollars for many projects including taxidermy, interpretive
signs, events, programs and almost every display in the Visitor Center.
As of 2022 the Sinks Canyon Natural Resource Council is changing its name to the Sinks Canyon
Conservancy to expand its advocacy of the Sinks to the entire Canyon. We are excited to grow and
involve more people in the protection of this incredible natural resource.
The parameters for the competition are:
Eligibility - Open to anyone except members of the selection panel and their families. No more than
5 entries will be accepted from any one contestant.
Logo design - Final design format must be in the following file formats for use: Encapsulated
PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF),Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG), Portable
Network Graphic (PNG), Joint Photographic Group (JPG). For consideration for judging, the design
can be a PDF file.
Award - A prize of $400 will be awarded to the winner of the competition. The winner will grant and
assign exclusively to the Sinks Canyon Conservancy full ownership of the logograph including all
copyrights. The decision of the judges is final. If no submissions are found to be satisfactory, the
judges reserve the right not to make an award.
Procedure - Contestants are encouraged to access the SCC website
(https://www.sinkscanyonstatepark.org/), for visual graphics and information on the Conservancy, or
contact via email at sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com. Contestants are to email their entries as a
PDF at the above email address along with the following information: Name of Artist, Mailing
Address, and Telephone Number. Each entry for consideration needs to be submitted individually.
Deadline - Submissions for the deadline need to be made (via email) by February 28, 2023. Entries
received after the deadline will not be considered.
Entries - Send individual entries in a PDF format via email to sinkscanyonconservancy@gmail.com